Saturday, May 17, 2014

A Dog Smuggler in Lenga by Katie Chandler

After a series of flight cancellations and a bit of stress, I made it to Chile all in once piece. Despite Santiago Customs' accusations of smuggling dogs in my luggage, I had a pleasant traveling experience. My suitcase was covered in red tape with "perro" written all over it. The customs officers rifled through my luggage checking every pocket to locate the alleged perro. Needless to say, I won that battle.

( I insisted we take a picture in front of the Orca & told them all about Blackfish, ha)

After meeting my family at the airport, we connected almost instantly! The girls and I bonded over our love for shoes, Snapchat, and One Direction! They took me to a place called Lenga which was absolutely beautiful. The pictures hardly do it justice.

We went to a seafood restaurant in Lenga to eat empanadas and fish. Their seafood is very different from what I'm used to back home, but I enjoyed it. Naturally, the shrimp and queso empanadas were my favorite part. We spent the rest of the evening getting to know each other and talking about different things. We call each other postisas! I love them already.
I can't wait to see what happens next!

1 comment:

  1. I got pegged in Customs for some Skittles. No nuts, no animals, no seeds... Just skittles.
