Monday, June 2, 2014

CHI CHI CHI LE LE LE By Katie Chandler

I can honestly say that time has flown since my first post. So much has been happening that I don't know where to start! I can't believe there's only a week left. Time flies!

The Collegio San Pedro is where I've been teaching at. The kids are so adorable! There's a huge emphasis on personal freedom in this school. The students are vivacious and seem happy to be at school. Students are not expected to sit still and shut up like they are at home. I find it extremely refreshing. There is certainly more commotion than I'm used to, but the children always seem to get their work done. There is never a dull moment, that's for sure!
The kids here LOVE selfies! I had no idea it was an international phenomenon. 

The school is filled with paparazzi. Never have I ever been ambushed with so many camera phones before.
One of the 6th grade classes I've been working with.


I've been taking typical tourist pics in front of just about everything. Here lately I've visited Talcahuano, Chillan, and Dichato. Each place beautiful in it's own right. Dichato was my most recent destination. It's a coastal city aka there's a beach. It was a cold and windy day, but the view was still spectacular. I'm not used to seeing mountains paired with open water. As most of us know, Louisiana is about as flat as it gets. We brought our poodle, Martin, along for the journey to Dichato. He didn't seem to enjoy walking on the sand as much as the rest of us. After taking as many beach pictures as possible (in true gringa fashion), we did a little shopping. As with all great days, this one ended with ice cream. My family didn't believe I could eat a whole banana split. I showed them up big time. I've never met a piece of food I couldn't conquer. As for Chilean food, the empanadas are what continuously win me over. Cheese empanadas, meat and cheese empanadas, shrimp and cheese empanadas, I don't discriminate.

Me and my sisters in front of Dichato beach.
As for the title of this post, the "Chi Chi Chi Le Le Le Viva Chile" chant is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. It's stuck in my head and I can't help but say it every hour on the hour. It's so catchy and the inspiration behind it is what really gets me. Obviously, I'm rooting for Chile to win the World Cup! And if they do win, you can bet I'll be screaming Viva Chile at the top of my lungs.

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