Friday, June 6, 2014

LSU in Chile III: The Conclusion of an Amazing Adventure! by Colin Caldarera

Well, 3 weeks is already up and I fly out tomorrow to head back to Baton Rouge. It really went by so quickly, but that can be expected when you're busy having a great time in a new place. This week seemed to zoom by the quickest. It was a busy week full of activities, elaborate feasts, and goodbyes to some great people.

Final dinner with Nelda & Cesar

I was fortunate enough to get to teach music classes with my buddy, Kelvin. We taught guitar this week to students. I never thought I'd even play a guitar in my lifetime, so it's been really cool starting to learn how to play and teach it. Kelvin primarily worked with the guitar students and I with the recorder students, but here is a photograph proving that I did play a little bit! Haha... I also taught singing to students a lot this week, another area of music I rarely dabble in. The students were great and the experiences have been wonderful!

Raquel, me, & Kelvin in music class

One night this past week, we had the privilege of going to a large dinner that included the LSU students and faculty as guests along with our translators, the teachers from CCSP, and some family members. It was great to get some social time with all of these great people, and to get to thank everyone for everything. Kelvin and I grew very attached to our awesome translators, Alex and Rocio. They were always there for us if we needed anything, and definitely helped to keep us on top of things with our busy schedule of teachings, performances, and travels around Concepcion. Along with them were the 2 music teachers at CCSP. The allowed us the freedom to teach what we wanted and put us in new teaching environments we'd more than likely never get to experience in the United States. For all of these people, I'm eternally grateful!

Alex, me, Raquel, Kelvin, Francisco, & Rocio... What a team!

Another day this week was the Second Annual English Music Festival held at CCSP. Not only did I get to perform on 2 pieces during intermission, but I also got to judge it along with other talented musicians. It was an event that could be compared to Star Search or American Idol. Students got on stage one by one and sang popular English songs of their choice in order to compete against other students from various schools in Concepcion. They were all great, and it was really cool to hear a number of Spanish-speaking students sing popular songs in English. What a tough task for a high school student! Below is a photo from where I was sitting of the pre-event performance by many students from CCSP. They danced many traditional Chilean dances and that was just as exciting as the competition!

A view from the judge's podium

Today was bittersweet because it was the final day of classes. On one hand, it's exciting to be finished, but on another, I'm really going to miss this place. The students threw Kelvin and me a Going Away Party with snacks and gifts. I received a quena, which is a flute-like instrument that is signature to this area. I'm thrilled to be able to take this back to the United States and to have a part of Chile with me. The students couldn't have been nicer today, and there were many laughs and even some tears. It's been a great teaching adventure for me, and it's one that I'll forever cherish.

Last day teaching at CCSP... and Kelvin & I with our gifts!

I'm really going to miss Chile, the friends I've made who live here, and the family I've been fortunate enough to live with. It will be tough to say goodbye tomorrow when I get on that plane, but I suppose that's just life for you. I'm glad to have a reason to come back to Concepcion, Chile, and I'm so happy about the new friends and experiences I've gotten to have here.


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